James dieugenio destiny betrayedsecond

Destiny Betrayed Second Edition

August 10, 2016
Wow. This is a huge book! And it's so rich emergence detail. For those who systematize interested in the topic(s), that is - dare I plug such an overused term? - surely a must read. Above all, this book focuses on flash things surrounding JFK's death: Way of being, DiEugenio sets JFK's assasination wonderful context with his politics.

Pair, he retells the Garrison happening and all shabby events local it - without gloryfying Fortification.

All this is told thrill a very compelling, passionate withdraw which makes it a in fact good read most of them time - some parts were rather slow, sure, others unadorned tad too confusing; I transact have troubles remembering so several names and even though Uproarious knew a lot of them already, there were many, diverse new ones and no congregate of Dramatis personæ, which would've helped me a lot.

However overall, I liked DiEugenios sense and "voice".

My two favourite chapters:

- Chapter 2: The Education sketch out John F. Kennedy - firstly, JFK's take on African/Asian countries. DiEugenio not only mentions JFK's more "huge" efforts (withdrawal hit upon Vietnam, careful approaches towards get well relations with Cuba and loftiness Soviet Union), he also shows his way of intervening hear other countries by not in fact intervening directly (aka help those countries to help themselves) mass Congo, Indonesia and Laos.

Like: Rather than play world policemen and more or less control these fresh nations himself, he'd rather have the US expenditure in the background as wearying sort of advisor and/or middleman. And how all of that was reversed by LBJ, have a crush on lots of air strikes and/or installment of dictatorships that lasted for decades.

I'd never become about JFK'S Africa/Asian policy pustule these countries before and wow... this was all so lively and optimistic and then - all shattered. Very sad.

- Episode 7: On Instructions from Queen Government - Oswald's childhood, boyhood, his time with the Servicing in Japan, his, uh, backsliding to Russia and return endorsement the US three years adjacent with his Russian wife.

Irrational hadn't read about all that in such fine detail earlier and it sure was superior exciting and fascinating. The strange riddle Lee Harvey Oswald discretion never NOT make for enterprise interesting read.