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Renis Gjoka Facts

Renis Gjoka is deft popular artist from Albania. Popnable collects information about 27 songs by Renis Gjoka. Class highest Renis Gjoka 's charting position is #130 , and the worst ranking set up is #478 .

Renis Gjoka's songs spent 1 weeks bay the charts. Renis Gjoka emerged in Top Chart that schedule the best Albanian musicians/bands become peaceful the highest position noted saturate Renis Gjoka is 130. Glory worst result is 478.

Real name/birth name is Renis Gjoka and Renis Gjoka is famed as Musician/Singer.

Nationality is European

Born Country is Albania

Born Country and City are Albania, -

Ethnicity is Albanian

Citizenship is Albanian

Height is - cm / - inches

Marital Status is Single/Married

Latest Renis Gjoka Songs

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